Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions, Answered
How do I become a member?
Becoming a member of the University of Florida of Dairy Science Club is easy! Just check out our calendar and show up to any general body meeting! From there we will help you with everything finding job opportunities, networking with industry professionals, and choosing classes to reach your goals.
Does the club charge membership dues?
Since its inception, the club has never charged membership dues. We believe members should not be limited in their ability to participate in activities due to their socioeconomic status.
When and where are the general body meetings?
The club meets on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays during the Fall and Spring semesters at the UF Beef Teaching Unit South. Additional events are listed on our calendar and under upcoming events.
How can I get help with finding opportunities?
Direct all your questions about jobs, networking, classes, and more to ufdairyscience@gmail.com or any of our officers and we will help you or help you find the correct resources.
Can I still join the club if I don't have dairy experience?
Yes! Most of our members come in with little to no knowledge about the dairy industry, but they leave our club with all the skills to be successful dairy professionals.
Can this club help me if I want to go to veterinary school?
Yes! Many of our members want to go to veterinary school and use the club as a way to gain large animal experience prior to applying!