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Meet the faculty advisors for 2022/2023.

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Dr. Albert De Vries

Professor of Dairy Management and Economics

Dr. De Vries grew up on a dairy farm in the Netherlands. His interests are in optimization of culling and replacement strategies, statistical process control, the economics of reproduction, and precision dairy farming. In his extension role, he works with allied industry and dairy producers. Dr. De Vries specializes in teaching farm financial management. Dr. De Vries also teaches two undergraduate dairy courses and advises undergraduate dairy students and graduate students.


Dr. Corwin Nelson

Associate Professor of Physiology, Immunology, and Endocrinology

Dr. Nelson earned his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Minnesota-Duluth, and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Immunobiology from Iowa State University. Dr. Nelson holds research and teaching appointments in the Department of Animal Sciences. He specializes in vitamin nutrition and the physiology of cattle. Much of his research focuses on the role of vitamin D in immunity as it applies to the health and productivity of cattle. His teaching interests include sustainable cattle systems, physiology, vitamins, and endocrinology.


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 Emily Lindner

Ph.D. Student in Animal Behavior and Welfare 

Emily is currently the graduate student advisor for the University of Florida Dairy Science Club. She is the only graduate student advisor out of all the clubs in the UF Animal Sciences department. Emily has always made it her mission to make the dairy science club a space where anyone can come and learn something about the dairy industry. She strives to make the dairy industry known and loves to share what she knows with other students. We appreciate her willingness to share what she knows about the industry with the club and share what she knows research wise. Additionally, she works hard to find individuals from the academic and industry sides of the dairy industry to expose students to the numerous options available in the dairy sector. 


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2250 Shealy Drive,
Gainesville, FL 32608

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